Your Pictures of Domestic Violence

pictures of domestic violence

If you're looking for pictures of domestic violence or you want to share yours, you have come to the right place.

Upload Your Photo

Do you have a domestic violence photo of an event, victim, art work, place, etc.? Share your photo!

Your photo will be available for use by the public with attribution to you or the author under Creative Commons!

What Other Visitors Have Said

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Domestic Violence Photos Submitted to GDVH 
This photo is an accidental selfie taken at the end of day one of my escape. I left with the clothes on my back and a smashed phone. I went to buy a phone …

Bro-tection  Not rated yet
Features Teen Siblings in Journeyman Advancement For Domestic Violence Awareness. Co-Creators and Operators of U&Miido Arts. A Arts & Culinary program …

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Are you involved as a domestic violence volunteer?

Do you have domestic violence photos to share of:

  • victims of domestic abuse
  • domestic violence prevention art or murals, or
  • events to stop domestic violence?>

If so, please share your photos here for others to view and use in the fight against such abuse.

As we've all heard, a picture is worth a 1000 words. If you answered "yes" that you do have a domestic violence photo in your collection, I'd love to include your photo on this site for download and sharing with others. Your photo may inspire someone viewing the image(s) to seek help for their own domestic violence situation or to finally heal from past psychological wounds.

The process for submitting your domestic violence related photograph is easy. You may remain anonymous if you choose.

Here are the some required guidelines for submitting your domestic violence related photographs:

1. Do not include personal information in the photograph that might jeopardize your safety. Also, do not include personally identifiable information in the attribution.

I cannot control who visits this site and some visitors may have bad motives. Therefore, in order to keep my visitors safe, we do not permit you to disclose any information that personally identifies you as a victim, such as last names, email or street addresses or phone numbers. If you have been a victim, please use appropriate discretion.

2. Keep photos clean and respectful. Do not attempt to upload pornography or extremely graphic scenes that are not beneficial to our community.

The purpose of these photos is to help and inform, not incite. We are all aware of the damage and insidiousness of domestic violence.

3. Do not include website or blog URLs or watermark photos.

Not all websites and blogs are appropriate to this site. Therefore, I do not often accept website or blog URLs to be included in comments; they will usually be stripped from the post. If you feel that a link from your photo to a URL will provide help to domestic violence victims, then you may include the link for our review, and we will post the link in our sole discretion. 

4. You agree that all photographs are either public domain or will be subject to the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.

Click here to share your pictures of domestic violence...

We do like creativity on our website. So, if you have created a collage of photos or domestic violence art, feel free to post it here. We enjoy receiving a variety of paintings, photos of sculptures, and other artwork. If you like to write, you may include your fiction or non-fiction short story on our website by posting it on our domestic violence stories page

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