Treatment for Domestic Violence Offenders who are Men

Treatment for Domestic Violence Offenders

The options of treatment for domestic violence offenders who are men are not as common as programs for victims. However, do not give up and continue with perpetrating domestic abuse. There are treatment options related to domestic violence help for men who are prone to violence, or who are struggling and have fear they can become abusive. The most common types of counseling in these cases are group peer counseling.

These group sessions usually talk over gender roles and work to impart such skills as stress and anger management, expression of feelings, and ownership of ones actions. Such sessions, like most therapy and counseling, work best if one is seeking help on their own will, although fear of arrest can sometimes be a great motivator. Those who have undergone a peer counseling program and succeeded in completing the program will usually find success in expressing their anger and frustration in non-violent ways. These positive results can continue for up to two years following therapy.

The longer that a man prone to violence sticks with a system of therapy and group counseling, the greater the chances are that domestic abuse will not reoccur. 

Another option that is available to both men and women is anger management counseling. Anger management is a procedure of acquiring the skills to recognize signs that you are becoming angry, and taking action to deal with the situation in a positive way. Anger is a normal human emotion, but left uncontrolled anger can become destructive. You must be honest with yourself in determining whether counseling is needed. Ask yourself honest questions like:

  • Do I ever call my partner or children names?
  • Do I ever think about pushing or hitting my partner or spouse?
  • Do I display anger in physical ways around family members by punching or throwing objects?
  • Do I let my anger cause me to become cruel, mean or hurtful to my partner or children?
  • Do I have trouble with authority or the law?
  • Do you have numerous arguments with people around you?

If you answer yes to any of these questions, then you should seek advice on whether to get counseling. 

For more information about counseling for couples, refer to our page on marriage and domestic violence

Goals of Treatment for Domestic Violence Offenders Who are Men

  • Identify anger triggers - things that make you angry
  • Provide Non-aggressive Ways to Handle Triggers Without Losing Temper
  • Acquire and Utilize Specific Skills for Handling Anger Triggers
  • Effectively Identify Moments When Thoughts are Not Logical and Rational and Correct Them
  • Returning to a State of Calm When Feeling Anger

Reality Check: There are Fewer Options for Men Who are Battered

The sad fact is, while there are thousands of programs to help battered women, there are virtually none to assist battered men. Certain communities may be working to change this, but in most cases it is up the battered male to create his own help program using traditional mental health services. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services provides a locator forlocator for mental health treatment facilities. Most abused men seek private counseling services, consult lawyers for legal options, and move away from the situation, leaving the spouse with the house and the bulk of assets from the relationship.

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