Where to Get Help for Domestic Violence in America

Domestic Violence in America

Domestic violence in America is a huge problem. Thousands of people take legal action against their spouses or domestic partners every year because of abuse or violent treatment. Many more people simply keep quiet about the domestic abuse they receive, because of fear of more violence or fear of their spouse or domestic partner being put in jail. Whatever the motives behind the domestic violence, it is important to know what to do and who to contact.

There are a number of places that you can visit, email, or call if you are the subject of domestic violence in America:

- The National Resource Center on Domestic Violence provides technical training and assistance, as well as creating resources to help prevent domestic abuse. The NRCDV is based in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Hotline number: 1-800-537-2239end_of_the_skype_highlighting Website:http://www.nrcdv.org

- The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence is an organization that provides information on dealing with abuse, protecting yourself against abuse, and laws and policies on abuse. The NCADV has an office in Washington D.C., and its headquarters are in Denver, Colorado. NCADV number: 1-303-839-8459 Website: http://www.ncadv.org

- The Hotline is a domestic violence hotline for anyone in the U.S., and it offers confidential browsing of their website in order to ensure complete anonymity and safety. The Hotline is based in Austin, Texas. The Hotline number is: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)

- The National Center for Victims of Crime has a special part of its website dedicated to providing resources and information on victims of domestic abuse. It also provides a long list of many websites to visit and hotlines to call in case of abuse. Website: http://ncvc.org

This is only a small portion of the support that is offered on a nationwide basis. If you cannot find the help you need here, your local police station should be able to provide you with local support groups, hotlines, and websites that can provide you with information for your specific area.

Since the 1960s America has experienced a progressive movement toward equal treatment of women. This movement has led to reduced discrimination and improved recognition of the problem of domestic violence in America. This recognition led to the passage of the Violence Against Women Act in 1994, which was signed into law by Bill Clinton. As a result of this act and other efforts, the United States of American has a vast system of shelters, hotlines and legal assistance centers, especially for addressing the problem of domestic violence help for women

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