Federal Domestic Violence Grants

Domestic Violence Grants

There are a variety of federal domestic violence grants because of the huge response of community outreach to prevent domestic violence. Many of these grants have been established under the Violence Against Women Act.

Some of these federal grants against domestic violence include:

  • Stop grants
  • Transitional housing grants
  • Stalker Reduction Database
  • National Tribal Sex Offender Registry
  • Violence on College Campuses Grants
  • Sexual Assault Services Program
  • Elder Abuse Programs
  • Federal Victim Assistants
  • Services for Rural Victims
  • Protections and Services for Disabled Victims
  • Services for Children and Youth Exposed to Violence, and
  • National Resource Center on Workplace Responses

An office that is a part of the United States Justice Department is responsible for dealing with just violence against women. They have the ability and authority to administer domestic violence funding grants such as the ones mentioned above. The United States Senate has appointed its director.

It is necessary that these grants for prevention of domestic abuse remain funded in the United States. Since 1994, the funds from the Violence Against Women Act have become a life-saver to millions of women in the United States. These budget increases are necessary as the crimes will still continue to happen and there are many women who will still need the help today.

Below are some resources found for domestic violence grants:

Urban Awareness USA

Lists private grants from companies such as Wal-Mart, Verizon, and Allstate insurance company. Private domestic violence grants like these are often more efficient than public grants to apply for. The application process can be easier and the turn-around time can be faster. While these grants may not be as large as some government grants, they can help to sustain an organization throughout the year.

The Mary Kay Foundation

Mary Kay has a history since 1996 of supporting causes for women with a special focus on cancer and domestic abuse. The foundation supports many domestic violence shelters throughout the United States every year. In 2013 they awarded $3 million to 150 shelters in all 50 states and the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. The company spends additional money on research and surveying issues related to abuse to find ways to improve outcomes, and also funds efforts to raise awareness of the problems that exist.

Avon Foundation for Women

Avon started its foundation in 1955 with efforts to help women and families. The company lists grants that have been funded since 2003 and has plans to continue offering such grants in 2014 and beyond. Through their Speak Out Against Domestic Violence program, Avon claims to have provided nearly $38 million through 2013 for the domestic and gender violence cause, including support for awareness, education, direct services and prevention programs.

US Department of Justice

The U.S. Government Office on Violence Against Women funds 21 different grant programs. These programs may be based on formulas determined by laws that are passed through congress. Or, the domestic violence grant programs may be discretionary and administered by the OVAW. For discretionary grants, the Office (OVAW) creates program parameters, determines qualifications, sets up eligibility, and manages the deliver of the funding.

The U.S. Government Domestic Abuse Grants currently focus on the following different areas:

  • College Campus Awareness, Reduction and Services
  • Children and Youth Exposed to Violence
  • Court Training and Improvement
  • Culturally and Linguistically Specific Services for Victims 
  • Education, Training and Enhanced Services for Women with Disabilities 
  • Engaging Men 
  • Tribal, Cultural, and Indian Tribal Government
  • Training and Services Women Later in Life
  • Encouragement of Arrest Policies and Enforcement of Protection Orders
  • Legal Assistance for Victims
  • Rural Areas 
  • Safe Havens: Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange
  • Sexual Assault
  • State Coalitions
  • STOP (Services, Training, Officers, and Prosecutors) to States
  • Transitional Housing

National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women

The VAWnet.org website lists many sources of government and private funding that are available to support individuals, survivors, projects or charitable or civic organizations advocating against domestic violence. The Resource Center provides private funding resources that run the gambit from grants, to scholarships and fellowships, to awards for individual women. The Private Resources include foundations, charities and private trusts. The Center website also lists funding available from federal, state and local government resources. You can subscribe on the website to receive a monthly synopsis of current grants, fellowships, and scholarships that may be used to address domestic violence, sexual violence, dating violence, and stalking.


Try searching for related grants at www.grants.gov, and you will be surprised by the many possibilities. A recent search for the keyword phrase "domestic and violence" yielded more that 60 relevant hits. The phrase "violence and women" yielded about 50 and "violence and children" yielded about 50. These hits are worth looking at to see if there is a grant that might pertain to the needs of your organization.

Grants Awarded to Domestic Violence Shelters

Grants Listed by Urban Awareness

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